A few images rendered with sprout, a CPU-based path tracer. The source can be found on github.

Some image

[ Imperial Star Destroyer - Imperator, Tie Fighter ]

Some image

[ 4060.b Spaceship, Photogrammetic Rock ]

The grass is procedurally generated.

Some image

[ San Miguel ]

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[ Fir tree ]

The aurora is procedurally generated, inspired by the paper Simulating the Aurora Borealis.

Some image

[ Amazon Lumberyard Bistro ]

Some image

[ Happy Buddha, Cycles B.M.P.S, Asian Dragon, Candle, Stanford Bunny ]

Some image

[ Transi de René de Chalon ]

Some image

[ Alpine Landscape ]

The lighting consists almost entirely out of caustics, which are rendered with light-tracing and photon mapping.

Some image

[ Disney Cloud ]